We've had a busy last few months over here in the Pendle-neck-of-the-woods.
Firstly: We Moved!
Only temporarily. Our friends the Patty's just bought a beautiful new home in North Orem and generously invited us to come rent from them for a few months while we finish paying off our debt and find our own home to purchase. Our latest move-out date will be October. We'll keep you posted. For now, the house we live in is affectionately known as "The Pattleton's."
Secondly: Jer's new job!
Jer has been settling in quite nicely in his new job as project manager at American Crafts. He is constantly working late hours, skipping lunch breaks and getting lots and LOTS of high praise from his managers/bosses. I'm very proud of him and I think he is really happy in this new position, I foresee some movement upwards in the future.
Thirdly: My new job!
I just got a full-time job with a company called Xactware in Orem (on the same street as Jer's work!). My title is "Sketch Fulfillment Specialist" which is a fancy term for, customer support. :o) Linda (my boss at BYU) told me she didn't have a class for me to teach during spring term and that kinda left me high and dry so I started looking for a part-time job to fill my time. Well, I guess Xactware decided they wanted me full time for the time being because they even said when I go back to teaching in the summer, I can just leave to teach and come back to work! Jer and I are really excited because this job will bring us that much closer to getting into our own place!!
This new job might bring another hiatus as I will find myself a lot more busy in the coming weeks but hopefully I can keep you all posted.
As you may have noticed, I re-entered the world of Facebook about a week ago. Haven't really gotten into posting things quite yet but its fun to see what everyone's up to! I'm thinking I may need to delete it again because it is such a dang stupid time-waster! I got so much more done when I didn't have it!